Tuesday, February 10, 2009

UAA commends delegates for addressing Uyghur human rights issues at the United Nations

UAA commends delegates for addressing Uyghur human rights issues at the United Nations
For immediate release
February 10, 2009, 6:00 pm EST
Contact: Uyghur American Association +1 (202) 349 1496

The Uyghur American Association (UAA) commends those nations who raised concerns about human rights for Uyghurs during the February 9 Universal Periodic Review interactive dialogue session focused on human rights in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Delegates from Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Germany, Japan, France, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Austria, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Brazil and other countries raised questions directly or indirectly related to Uyghur issues.

Concerns raised by these delegates included criticism of the execution of Uyghurs labeled as terrorists; the need for “ethnic minorities’” to have greater rights to participate in government; and a need for greater cultural freedoms for Uyghurs. The delegate representing the Czech Republic, in particular, urged the PRC government to review its laws and procedures with regard to Uyghurs; end restrictions on Uyghurs’ religious practices; end restrictions on freedom of movement and peaceful assembly; and put a stop to other policies and procedures affecting Uyghurs, including “Strike Hard” campaigns, the use of torture, the practice of refoulement, the absence of fair trials, and the use of the “state secrets” crime to prosecute individuals for peaceful dissent.

In contrast to these concerns, PRC delegates asserted that “ethnic minorities” are afforded preferential treatment, including lower test scores required to enter universities. The PRC asserted that no ethnic conflict exists between the country’s different nationalities, and that any conflict that does arise stems only from a few people in East Turkestan (also known as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) and Tibet who are led by foreign forces trying to split the country.

“Sadly, the PRC’s assertions are starkly divorced from reality,” said Uyghur democracy leader Rebiya Kadeer. “Instead of addressing critical human rights issues for Uyghurs, the PRC remains interested only in whitewashing the systematic abuses that take place in East Turkestan, Tibet and elsewhere. PRC leaders cannot merely sweep these problems under the rug- the unequal treatment of Uyghurs must be addressed in order for real stability to be achieved in East Turkestan. One step that the PRC could take toward achieving this would be the ratification of the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights).”

The interactive dialogue session was part of a review program started in 2007 that will appraise all United Nations member states every four years.

The Uyghur American Association/Uyghur Human Rights project submitted a joint document to the Universal Periodic Review, together with the World Uyghur Congress, documenting the human rights abuses of Uyghurs in East Turkestan. The document details the dismantling of Uyghurs’ language and culture; the abuse of the war on terror to persecute Uyghurs; arbitrary detention and torture; economic discrimination; and other issues. It also addresses ways in which the PRC government must implement Uyghurs’ rights according to UN instruments, including the CRC, CEDAW, ICESCR, and CAT.

Prior to the questioning session, the PRC issued a report evaluating its own human rights record. However, as noted by Amnesty International, the PRC’s report omitted any reference to the severe crackdown in East Turkestan, the ongoing crisis in Tibet, and the ongoing persecution of religious practitioners throughout the PRC. Amnesty also noted that the PRC government had failed to engage seriously with domestic NGOs and activists in preparation of its UN submission.

Representatives of Nigeria, India and Canada are due to present recommendations on China’s human rights record later this week, as part of the Universal Periodic Review process. UAA urges these nations to call upon the PRC to implement measures in East Turkestan according to the international instruments ratified by the PRC.

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