China's Uighur Oppression Continues
Beijing hands down a 15-year sentence for speaking to foreign journalists.
The sentencing on July 23 of Uighur journalist Gheyret Niyaz to 15 years in prison for endangering state security came as a shock to people around the world. Mr. Niyaz's "crime" was to speak to foreign journalists. His unusually long sentence, along with other harsh sentences for three Uighur webmasters on July 23 or 24, highlights the Chinese government's practice of giving lip service to ethnic harmony while implementing policies that undermine it.
Attacks on Uighur writers, journalists and webmasters are nothing new. Far too many are languishing in jails for revealing the darker side of the Communist Party administration in East Turkestan, also known as Xinjiang. They include Mehbube Ablesh, a journalist who uncovered the inequities of "bilingual" education; Abdulghani Memetemin, a journalist who exposed human-rights abuses against Uighurs; Nurmemet Yasin, a writer who penned an allegorical story articulating the Uighur yearning for freedom; Gulmire Imin, a website administrator who helped run a online forum for Uighurs; and many more.
The four journalists sentenced last month—Mr. Niyaz, Nureli, Dilshat Perhat and Nijat Azat—were imprisoned simply for exercising freedom of speech. The Chinese government hides behind charges of "endangering state security," "splittism" or "terrorism" when punishing Uighur voices, but the simple truth is that whenever Uighurs contradict the official narrative of the benevolence of the Chinese Communist Party, they are severely punished.
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A Muslim Uighur woman begs as armed Chinese paramilitary policemen march past on a street in Urumqi on July 5, 2010.
In Mr. Niyaz's case, even expressing views consistent with those of the Chinese government was not enough to keep him out of jail. In an interview with a local Chinese publication on Aug. 2, 2009, less than a month after the outbreak of unrest in Urumqi, Mr. Niyaz not only openly sided with much of the Chinese government version of the unrest, but also dismissed my contribution to the Uighur people. I welcome Mr. Niyaz's considered critique and resolutely defend his right to speak openly and freely. Without the expression of dissimilar voices there is little validity to any political process.
Most of what the Chinese government actually does in East Turkestan is not discussed in public. The unrest in Urumqi in July 2009 should have been a wakeup call for the Chinese Communist Party to end six decades of repressive policies. Instead, the government has used the unrest as an opportunity to intensify its forced assimilation of the Uighur people.
The most recent assault on civil liberties came when authorities installed 40,000 cameras in Urumqi to surveil the local population. In February, the draconian "Law on Education for Ethnic Unity in Xinjiang," took effect, which criminalizes speech harmful to a vague definition of "ethnic unity." The government also announced this year the demolition of Uighur neighborhoods in cities across East Turkestan, including Kashgar, Urumqi, Karamay and Ghulja.
On top of all of this, Beijing is encouraging large numbers of Han Chinese to migrate to East Turkestan—a policy that aims to make Uighur identity a thing of the past and adds to local tensions as citizens compete for economic and social resources. The government is not forthcoming about the extent of this migration, nor does it disclose civil-service hiring policies that actively discriminate against Uighurs and women.
With Han Chinese favored in the competitive job market, mass migration into the region only fuels resentment. The result of this aggressive assimilation has been exacerbated tensions between Han Chinese and Uighurs.
China's policies toward its ethnic minorities are clearly failing to resolve local tensions. In East Turkestan, the Chinese government has not only ignored the voices of the Uighur people crying out for change, it has also actively moved to silence them. Unless international pressure is brought to bear, the Uighur people will quietly slip into the history books.
Ms. Kadeer is the president of the World Uighur Congress and the Uighur American Association.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Internet Restored, But the Evils of Han Chauvinism, Party-State Despotism and Bankrupt Communism Remain

Rebiya KadeerPresident, World Uyghur Congress
Posted: May 19, 2010 01:29 PM
Internet Restored, But the Evils of Han Chauvinism, Party-State Despotism and Bankrupt Communism Remain
On May 14, residents of East Turkestan rediscovered the Internet -- not the Internet of unfettered access that is enjoyed the world over, but a lifting of the most draconian Internet restrictions ever seen so that people could finally access China's censored version. For 10 months, starting from the July 2009 unrest in Urumchi, the Chinese government kept the people of East Turkestan isolated from the rest of the world with a comprehensive communications lockdown that not only blocked the Internet, but also affected telecommunications. During those 10 months, a great deal of information about the events of July 2009 were never allowed to surface and the world was left with a Chinese government account that in no way can be considered impartial.
The communications lockdown was an illustration of the chilling ideology of power that guides the decisions of power brokers in the Chinese Communist Party. In those 10 months, the Chinese government conducted a brutal crackdown on Uyghurs largely unseen by the outside world. The "stable conditions" required to restore the Internet were established through indiscriminate detentions, enforced disappearances, torture, sham trials and swift executions of Uyghurs. Human Rights Watch described the 43 enforced disappearances it recorded in a report, We Are Afraid to Even Look for Them, as the tip of the iceberg. In addition, the reports that managed to leak out of torture and death in custody of Uyghurs, such as that of Shohret Tursun, only hint at the depth of repression that happened during those 10 months.
Now the Chinese government is attempting to show a benevolent face with announcements of large-scale investment, comprehensive work forums, the removal of reviled officials, such as Wang Lequan, and most recently the restoration of the Internet. This benevolence must be taken with a degree of skepticism not only because the decisions are not being made for the welfare of the Uyghur people, but also because they show a lack of original thinking among Chinese officials.
Since 2000, large injections of capital into East Turkestan through the central government's Western Development initiative merely exaggerated the economic inequality between Uyghurs and Han Chinese rather than benefit impoverished Uyghurs. Future investment, as far as it can be gleaned, will come once more in the form of more money for mineral extraction that does not aim to employ the local Uyghur workforce or engage Uyghur businesses.
The appointment of Zhang Chunxian as Party Secretary has been interpreted as a break from the hard-line policies of former Party chief, Wang Lequan; however, in recent comments it appears that Zhang will bring nothing to the table but the same tired rhetoric on smashing the three evils of separatism, extremism and terrorism. What true introspection on the performance of the Chinese Communist Party in East Turkestan reveals is that the real three evils in the region are Han chauvinism, party-state despotism and bankrupt communism.
Old ideas of the Chinese communists towards East Turkestan have merely been repackaged and recycled and do not address the economic and political tensions that underpinned the unrest in Urumchi. There is much work to do and many grievances to address. I am willing to help the Chinese government resolve them.
A genuine new approach to resolving the numerous economic, social and political issues in East Turkestan involves meaningful dialogue and consultation with the Uyghur people. This means all Uyghurs- in exile and in East Turkestan, and conducted in an open atmosphere of equality without the fear of imprisonment for merely expressing a view. I doubt if the upcoming work form will be held under such conditions.
I believe the Chinese government should end its aggressive policy of monolingual education, and give students and their parents a choice about their language of instruction. Chinese government policies ensuring equal employment opportunities for Uyghurs should be put in place, in which employment inside of East Turkestan is available to Uyghurs, instead of just sending them outside of East Turkestan to work. All Uyghurs should be allowed to attend the mosque without fear of suspicion and imams should be allowed to speak freely. The Chinese government should stop imprisoning peaceful dissenters and make them partners in a robust dialogue on the development of the region. Uyghurs will welcome these policies, and they will help to reduce tensions between Uyghurs and Han Chinese.
If the Chinese government wants to make an immediate impact and demonstrate a sincere change in approach to build trust among the Uyghur people, it could do no better than to release all those Uyghur bloggers and web administrators it detained in the wake of the unrest. This includes Memet Turghun Abdulla, a photographer who published an article online about an attack on Uyghur factory workers believed to have sparked the July 2009 unrest; Gheyret Niyaz, a journalist who was detained after talking to foreign media about the unrest; Dilshat Parhat, who co-founded the Uyghur-run website Diyarim; Obulkasim, an employee of Diyarim; Nureli, who founded the Uyghur website Selkin; and website supervisor Muhemmet. All of these individuals have disappeared into the murky depths of the Chinese criminal justice system. No one knows where they are being held or of their current condition.
The Internet is admired as a tool for freedom of speech and citizen participation the world over -- in China, and particularly in East Turkestan, it is used to root out critics of government policies. Uyghur participation and freedom of speech are fundamental overarching conditions in achieving a resolution to the East Turkestan issue. Without it the cycle of old policies of repression repackaged as new policies of repression will continue unabated.
U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue: America Must Lead by Example
U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue: America Must Lead by Example
Published on May 24, 2010 by Derek Scissors, Ph.D.
On May 24, the United States and People’s Republic of China will start the annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) in Beijing. In the economic track, the U.S. Department of the Treasury indicates that the American side will focus primarily on three areas, probably in this order of priority:
President Obama’s goal of doubling U.S. exports and the role of the RMB’s value against the dollar;
Policies that harm foreign business in China, now described as “indigenous innovation”; and
Greater balance in the bilateral economic relationship and the global economy.
The S&ED will make little progress on these issues and less still to bring China into the international economic order. Instead, the U.S. is heading in China’s policy direction.
The S&ED’s Limitations
The S&ED serves as a useful way for America and China to exchange information, which helps avoid economic disputes before they materialize. But it has produced modest cooperation even where the two sides have shared interests, such as energy. It has not, and will not, address severe problems in the American, Chinese, or world economies.
At first glance, it appears an RMB appreciation against the dollar would support the President’s goal of doubling exports. An appreciation, though, will have little effect. The connection between the RMB and the bilateral trade imbalance is uncertain at best, and the coming shift in Chinese currency policy will again be very tentative, not enough to affect much of anything.[1]
Worse, the drive to double exports clashes with what should be the American goal for the RMB. The Obama Administration seeks to promote exports largely through government support, while the U.S. should be pressing China for less government control of its exchange rate. This is only one example of America warping its own policy due in part to its relationship with the PRC.
There are also reasons to expect that nothing material will come from discussing “indigenous innovation.” Putting aside the overly broad use of the term, indigenous innovation is part of a concerted effort by the central government to promote state enterprises. Recently discovered by the press, the effort is at least seven years old.[2] It is part of a much broader and well-established mercantilist Chinese approach to commerce. Modifications of a few recent regulations will do nothing to alter China’s course.
The U.S. continues to shy from an even more important issue: global rebalancing. Washington is right to exhort Beijing to move toward an economy led by consumption, not investment. However, discussing the issue yet further will accomplish nothing new—the State Council itself endorsed rebalancing in 2004, but the gap between investment and consumption then widened dramatically.[3] The change China must ultimately make will be painful, hardly one to be accomplished by another year of chatter.
Nonetheless, the U.S. can contribute to this change and help its own economy immensely at the same time by going forward instead of backward with American rebalancing. Rather than talking, the Obama Administration and the U.S. Congress can take the biggest single action to actually rebalance by quickly slashing the gigantic federal budget deficit.
Who’s Changing Whom?
Part of the original reason for the S&ED and other bilateral dialogues was to encourage Chinese economic and security policies to fit better with American ones. It appears, though, the U.S. is becoming more like the PRC instead of the reverse.
That the U.S. could help transform China gained credence during the first Clinton Administration. It was argued that there was political value in economic engagement: engagement and resultant prosperity would facilitate greater freedom in the PRC. The process, however, has yet to begin. Despite greater economic opportunities for most Chinese citizens, the grip of the Communist Party has not loosened. To be fair, realistic advocates of engagement acknowledged that the process would take time; 15 years may not be enough to alter the way 1.3 billion Chinese live.
Apparently, however, 15 years is enough to alter the way 300 million Americans live. The U.S. seems to be the country that is changing—following the Chinese example in extending the reach of government.
This transformation starts with ever-expanding federal spending assisted by Chinese financing. President Clinton’s engagement policy was laid out in May 1994. That year the deficit was 2.9 percent of GDP and falling toward zero; this year it will be 10.6 percent of GDP. In the interim, Chinese holdings of American bonds soared from barely $100 billion in March 2000 to more than $1.5 trillion now.[4]
More and more economic resources are controlled by Washington, with federal spending surpassing 25 percent of GDP, the highest since World War II. That level is projected to skyrocket due to the impending tsunami of entitlement spending.[5] Unsatisfied with a federal budget near its historical levels of 20 percent of GDP, the President and Congress continue to seek foreign money, especially from the PRC. Rather than encouraging Chinese society to change for the better, the economic interaction has given rein to the U.S. to change for the worse.
Part of the federal expansion is the demand that someone else’s money must fund another new program. This old game has a new flavor: taxpayers should fork over more so America can keep pace with China. Billions should be spent on wind turbines that generate relatively little energy, because China is doing the same. Massive high speed rail lines that few will use must be built, because China is doing so.[6]
The PRC is not making these comparisons—they are made in the U.S. by those seeking a share of the flood of government spending. And they are almost always deeply flawed.
Thankfully, many secrets of China’s success are not transportable, such as the ability to forcibly clear people from land desired by the state. There are largely unnoticed fault lines in the Chinese model, such as children of Party members making up 90 percent of the wealthiest Chinese, though Party membership is less than 5 percent of the population.[7] There is no dictatorial Party to enrich in the U.S., but the hungry acquisition of resources by the federal government is a long step in the wrong direction.
Recommendations: Start Here
The PRC is not moving toward more political freedom. Instead, many American politicians have taken engagement with China as a prod to move this country toward less economic freedom. Prior to discussions with China, America should reverse economic course.
Starting with the FY 2011 budget, the Administration and Congress should cut federal spending more decisively than implied by the targeted 3 percent of GDP by FY 2015. Even more pressing, they should wrench the major entitlements—Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—back to a sustainable course.
As a byproduct of fixing its own house, America’s relationship with China can be much more effectively addressed. By recommitting to the market, the U.S. can more credibly press the PRC on statist policies that harm American companies and the world economy.
The dialogue aspect of the S&ED should give way in part to focused negotiations on one or two economic issues (only) for each round. The exchange rate has proven a minor factor and should not be the focus. Instead, the spotlight should be on the full set of policies, not just indigenous innovation, that support Chinese state enterprises at everyone else’s expense.
Derek Scissors, Ph.D., is Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation.
Published on May 24, 2010 by Derek Scissors, Ph.D.
On May 24, the United States and People’s Republic of China will start the annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) in Beijing. In the economic track, the U.S. Department of the Treasury indicates that the American side will focus primarily on three areas, probably in this order of priority:
President Obama’s goal of doubling U.S. exports and the role of the RMB’s value against the dollar;
Policies that harm foreign business in China, now described as “indigenous innovation”; and
Greater balance in the bilateral economic relationship and the global economy.
The S&ED will make little progress on these issues and less still to bring China into the international economic order. Instead, the U.S. is heading in China’s policy direction.
The S&ED’s Limitations
The S&ED serves as a useful way for America and China to exchange information, which helps avoid economic disputes before they materialize. But it has produced modest cooperation even where the two sides have shared interests, such as energy. It has not, and will not, address severe problems in the American, Chinese, or world economies.
At first glance, it appears an RMB appreciation against the dollar would support the President’s goal of doubling exports. An appreciation, though, will have little effect. The connection between the RMB and the bilateral trade imbalance is uncertain at best, and the coming shift in Chinese currency policy will again be very tentative, not enough to affect much of anything.[1]
Worse, the drive to double exports clashes with what should be the American goal for the RMB. The Obama Administration seeks to promote exports largely through government support, while the U.S. should be pressing China for less government control of its exchange rate. This is only one example of America warping its own policy due in part to its relationship with the PRC.
There are also reasons to expect that nothing material will come from discussing “indigenous innovation.” Putting aside the overly broad use of the term, indigenous innovation is part of a concerted effort by the central government to promote state enterprises. Recently discovered by the press, the effort is at least seven years old.[2] It is part of a much broader and well-established mercantilist Chinese approach to commerce. Modifications of a few recent regulations will do nothing to alter China’s course.
The U.S. continues to shy from an even more important issue: global rebalancing. Washington is right to exhort Beijing to move toward an economy led by consumption, not investment. However, discussing the issue yet further will accomplish nothing new—the State Council itself endorsed rebalancing in 2004, but the gap between investment and consumption then widened dramatically.[3] The change China must ultimately make will be painful, hardly one to be accomplished by another year of chatter.
Nonetheless, the U.S. can contribute to this change and help its own economy immensely at the same time by going forward instead of backward with American rebalancing. Rather than talking, the Obama Administration and the U.S. Congress can take the biggest single action to actually rebalance by quickly slashing the gigantic federal budget deficit.
Who’s Changing Whom?
Part of the original reason for the S&ED and other bilateral dialogues was to encourage Chinese economic and security policies to fit better with American ones. It appears, though, the U.S. is becoming more like the PRC instead of the reverse.
That the U.S. could help transform China gained credence during the first Clinton Administration. It was argued that there was political value in economic engagement: engagement and resultant prosperity would facilitate greater freedom in the PRC. The process, however, has yet to begin. Despite greater economic opportunities for most Chinese citizens, the grip of the Communist Party has not loosened. To be fair, realistic advocates of engagement acknowledged that the process would take time; 15 years may not be enough to alter the way 1.3 billion Chinese live.
Apparently, however, 15 years is enough to alter the way 300 million Americans live. The U.S. seems to be the country that is changing—following the Chinese example in extending the reach of government.
This transformation starts with ever-expanding federal spending assisted by Chinese financing. President Clinton’s engagement policy was laid out in May 1994. That year the deficit was 2.9 percent of GDP and falling toward zero; this year it will be 10.6 percent of GDP. In the interim, Chinese holdings of American bonds soared from barely $100 billion in March 2000 to more than $1.5 trillion now.[4]
More and more economic resources are controlled by Washington, with federal spending surpassing 25 percent of GDP, the highest since World War II. That level is projected to skyrocket due to the impending tsunami of entitlement spending.[5] Unsatisfied with a federal budget near its historical levels of 20 percent of GDP, the President and Congress continue to seek foreign money, especially from the PRC. Rather than encouraging Chinese society to change for the better, the economic interaction has given rein to the U.S. to change for the worse.
Part of the federal expansion is the demand that someone else’s money must fund another new program. This old game has a new flavor: taxpayers should fork over more so America can keep pace with China. Billions should be spent on wind turbines that generate relatively little energy, because China is doing the same. Massive high speed rail lines that few will use must be built, because China is doing so.[6]
The PRC is not making these comparisons—they are made in the U.S. by those seeking a share of the flood of government spending. And they are almost always deeply flawed.
Thankfully, many secrets of China’s success are not transportable, such as the ability to forcibly clear people from land desired by the state. There are largely unnoticed fault lines in the Chinese model, such as children of Party members making up 90 percent of the wealthiest Chinese, though Party membership is less than 5 percent of the population.[7] There is no dictatorial Party to enrich in the U.S., but the hungry acquisition of resources by the federal government is a long step in the wrong direction.
Recommendations: Start Here
The PRC is not moving toward more political freedom. Instead, many American politicians have taken engagement with China as a prod to move this country toward less economic freedom. Prior to discussions with China, America should reverse economic course.
Starting with the FY 2011 budget, the Administration and Congress should cut federal spending more decisively than implied by the targeted 3 percent of GDP by FY 2015. Even more pressing, they should wrench the major entitlements—Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—back to a sustainable course.
As a byproduct of fixing its own house, America’s relationship with China can be much more effectively addressed. By recommitting to the market, the U.S. can more credibly press the PRC on statist policies that harm American companies and the world economy.
The dialogue aspect of the S&ED should give way in part to focused negotiations on one or two economic issues (only) for each round. The exchange rate has proven a minor factor and should not be the focus. Instead, the spotlight should be on the full set of policies, not just indigenous innovation, that support Chinese state enterprises at everyone else’s expense.
Derek Scissors, Ph.D., is Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
US ASEAN ambassador ends Cambodia trip, slams Uighur expulsions
Asia-Pacific News
Phnom Penh – A senior US envoy to South-East Asia wrapped up a brief visit to Cambodia Tuesday saying he had reiterated to Phnom Penh that Washington remained ‘very disappointed’ with its December expulsion of 20 Uighur asylum-seekers to China.
The US still had no news on the fate of the Uighurs, said Scot Marciel, the US ambassador for ASEAN Affairs, in charge of relations with the 10 members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations.
‘We’ve made it clear a number of times both publicly and privately how concerned and disappointed we were by Cambodia’s decision,’ he said.
‘We had urged the Cambodian government before they deported the people not to go that route because they had not gone through the [UN refugee agency] process to determine whether they had a legitimate claim to asylum.’
Marciel, who is on a five-nation visit as part of US President Barack Obama’s strategy of greater engagement with the region, said he hoped the Cambodian government would resume its previously held ‘more positive’ approach to refugee issues.
Referring to China’s involvement in Cambodia – it is the country’s largest investor and had demanded the return of the Uighur refugees – Marciel said the US did not see the process of increasing Chinese influence in the region as ‘a zero-sum game.’
‘We would like to see South-East Asia achieve the goals that it has set for itself and the ASEAN movement, which is more integration, political stability, progress towards increased democracy and human rights, and certainly economic prosperity,’ Marciel said. ‘So we’ll continue to support those.’
Referring to the ongoing tensions between Cambodia and Thailand, Marciel said the US – which he described as ‘good friends’ with both nations – remained concerned and hoped both countries’ leaders would work to reduce tensions and find a solution.
During his visit Marciel also met with representatives from Cambodia’s political opposition and with members of civil society.
His Cambodia trip follows a visit to Vietnam and Laos. He is scheduled to head to Thailand later Tuesday before flying to Indonesia to work on President Obama’s visit to that country in March.
Asia-Pacific News
Phnom Penh – A senior US envoy to South-East Asia wrapped up a brief visit to Cambodia Tuesday saying he had reiterated to Phnom Penh that Washington remained ‘very disappointed’ with its December expulsion of 20 Uighur asylum-seekers to China.
The US still had no news on the fate of the Uighurs, said Scot Marciel, the US ambassador for ASEAN Affairs, in charge of relations with the 10 members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations.
‘We’ve made it clear a number of times both publicly and privately how concerned and disappointed we were by Cambodia’s decision,’ he said.
‘We had urged the Cambodian government before they deported the people not to go that route because they had not gone through the [UN refugee agency] process to determine whether they had a legitimate claim to asylum.’
Marciel, who is on a five-nation visit as part of US President Barack Obama’s strategy of greater engagement with the region, said he hoped the Cambodian government would resume its previously held ‘more positive’ approach to refugee issues.
Referring to China’s involvement in Cambodia – it is the country’s largest investor and had demanded the return of the Uighur refugees – Marciel said the US did not see the process of increasing Chinese influence in the region as ‘a zero-sum game.’
‘We would like to see South-East Asia achieve the goals that it has set for itself and the ASEAN movement, which is more integration, political stability, progress towards increased democracy and human rights, and certainly economic prosperity,’ Marciel said. ‘So we’ll continue to support those.’
Referring to the ongoing tensions between Cambodia and Thailand, Marciel said the US – which he described as ‘good friends’ with both nations – remained concerned and hoped both countries’ leaders would work to reduce tensions and find a solution.
During his visit Marciel also met with representatives from Cambodia’s political opposition and with members of civil society.
His Cambodia trip follows a visit to Vietnam and Laos. He is scheduled to head to Thailand later Tuesday before flying to Indonesia to work on President Obama’s visit to that country in March.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Uyghurs Could Get Asylum
Uyghurs Could Get Asylum
Author: Jew Mark | Posted at: 19:33 | Filed Under: Government, Politic |
Cambodian authorities say they won't repatriate a group of asylum-seekers if they could be mistreated.
A Uyghur man walks past armed Chinese security forces in Urumqi, July 17, 2009.
PHNOM PENH—Cambodia may not repatriate a group of asylum-seekers if they are to face capital punishment or torture back in China, a Cambodian spokesman said.
Khieu Kanharith, government spokesman and minister of information, said in an interview that the fate of the 22 ethnic Uyghurs hinges on whether and how the Chinese government intends to punish them in connction with deadly ethnic riots in July.
“There are several issues [to consider],” Khieu Kanharith said.
“For a criminal issue we would send them back. But for a political issue we would consider differently,” he said. “For a criminal issue, if it is serious to the point that they would have to be executed, we might not send them back because we don’t have capital punishment [in Cambodia],” he said.
The minister said that no decision had been made because the Cambodian government has yet to be contacted by the Chinese Embassy.
Smuggled into Cambodia
Twenty-two Uyghurs—a predominantly Muslim minority concentrated in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR)—have sought protection from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, according to Uyghur sources in Asia, who asked not be to named.
The Uyghurs are currently in the care of international Catholic organization the Jesuit Refugee Service, which declined to comment on the status of the group.
They fear being returned to China, which has close ties with Cambodia, Uyghur sources said.
This group, which includes two young children, was smuggled across the border from Vietnam into Cambodia, they said.
Only four members of the asylum-seekers agreed to be named.
They are Mutellip Mamut, who was born on July 10, 1980, Islam Urayim, born July 16, 1980, Hazirti ali Umar, born June 7, 1990, and Aikebaierjiang Tuniyazi, born Feb. 13, 1982.
Seeking asylum
The UNHCR has no offices in Vietnam, so anyone seeking asylum as a refugee must find a way into Cambodia, where it does operate.
UNHCR and Cambodian officials in Phnom Penh declined to comment on the case, although it has been learned that the UNHCR has met with the Uyghurs several times in small groups.
Repeated calls to the U.S. Embassy during working hours went unanswered.
According to a statement by the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress, exiled Uyghur leader Rebiya Kadeer and the organization’s general secretary Dolkun Isa are to meet officials at UNHCR headquarters in Geneva to discuss the Uyghur case in Cambodia.
Beijing accuses Kadeer of fomenting the July 5 violence in the XUAR capital, Urumqi, which was sparked after a peaceful protest about the deaths of Uyghur migrants in a factory in southern China turned into clashes with police.
Kadeer has accused the authorities of firing on unarmed protesters in Urumqi, sparking days of retaliatory rioting, burning, and mob violence from both Uyghur and Han Chinese ethnic groups in the city.
Uyghur detentions
Clashes first erupted between Han Chinese and ethnic Uyghurs on July 5, and at least 200 people were killed, by the government’s tally.
According to Uyghur sources in Asia, China has tightened its southeastern border after several groups of Uyghurs managed to bribe their way into Vietnam and then Cambodia to avoid possible detention for allegedly taking part in July 5 ethnic riots.
The sources said Chinese authorities have detained 31 Uyghurs since Sept. 15 in the southern cities of Shenzhen and Guangzhou and in the central city of Kunming, either for trying to flee the country or for allegedly aiding others in fleeing China.
A Chinese court sentenced three Uyghurs to death Friday for their alleged involvement during the rioting, bringing the number of death sentences in connection with the incident to 17.
New York-based Human Rights Watch said it has documented the disappearances of 43 men and boys in the Xinjiang region, but that the actual number of disappearances is likely far higher.
Police have meanwhile detained more than 700 people in connection with the unrest, according to earlier state news reports.
Uyghurs, a distinct and mostly Muslim ethnic group, have long complained of religious, political, and cultural oppression by Chinese authorities, and tensions have simmered in the Xinjiang region for years.
Original reporting by Chea Sotheacheat, Vuthy Huot and Chung Ravuth for RFA’s Khmer service. Khmer service director: Sos Kem. Translated by Sos Kem. Additional reporting by RFA's Uyghur service. Uyghur service director: Dolkun Kamberi. Written for the Web in English by Joshua Lipes. Edited by Sarah Jackson-Han.
Author: Jew Mark | Posted at: 19:33 | Filed Under: Government, Politic |
Cambodian authorities say they won't repatriate a group of asylum-seekers if they could be mistreated.
A Uyghur man walks past armed Chinese security forces in Urumqi, July 17, 2009.
PHNOM PENH—Cambodia may not repatriate a group of asylum-seekers if they are to face capital punishment or torture back in China, a Cambodian spokesman said.
Khieu Kanharith, government spokesman and minister of information, said in an interview that the fate of the 22 ethnic Uyghurs hinges on whether and how the Chinese government intends to punish them in connction with deadly ethnic riots in July.
“There are several issues [to consider],” Khieu Kanharith said.
“For a criminal issue we would send them back. But for a political issue we would consider differently,” he said. “For a criminal issue, if it is serious to the point that they would have to be executed, we might not send them back because we don’t have capital punishment [in Cambodia],” he said.
The minister said that no decision had been made because the Cambodian government has yet to be contacted by the Chinese Embassy.
Smuggled into Cambodia
Twenty-two Uyghurs—a predominantly Muslim minority concentrated in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR)—have sought protection from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, according to Uyghur sources in Asia, who asked not be to named.
The Uyghurs are currently in the care of international Catholic organization the Jesuit Refugee Service, which declined to comment on the status of the group.
They fear being returned to China, which has close ties with Cambodia, Uyghur sources said.
This group, which includes two young children, was smuggled across the border from Vietnam into Cambodia, they said.
Only four members of the asylum-seekers agreed to be named.
They are Mutellip Mamut, who was born on July 10, 1980, Islam Urayim, born July 16, 1980, Hazirti ali Umar, born June 7, 1990, and Aikebaierjiang Tuniyazi, born Feb. 13, 1982.
Seeking asylum
The UNHCR has no offices in Vietnam, so anyone seeking asylum as a refugee must find a way into Cambodia, where it does operate.
UNHCR and Cambodian officials in Phnom Penh declined to comment on the case, although it has been learned that the UNHCR has met with the Uyghurs several times in small groups.
Repeated calls to the U.S. Embassy during working hours went unanswered.
According to a statement by the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress, exiled Uyghur leader Rebiya Kadeer and the organization’s general secretary Dolkun Isa are to meet officials at UNHCR headquarters in Geneva to discuss the Uyghur case in Cambodia.
Beijing accuses Kadeer of fomenting the July 5 violence in the XUAR capital, Urumqi, which was sparked after a peaceful protest about the deaths of Uyghur migrants in a factory in southern China turned into clashes with police.
Kadeer has accused the authorities of firing on unarmed protesters in Urumqi, sparking days of retaliatory rioting, burning, and mob violence from both Uyghur and Han Chinese ethnic groups in the city.
Uyghur detentions
Clashes first erupted between Han Chinese and ethnic Uyghurs on July 5, and at least 200 people were killed, by the government’s tally.
According to Uyghur sources in Asia, China has tightened its southeastern border after several groups of Uyghurs managed to bribe their way into Vietnam and then Cambodia to avoid possible detention for allegedly taking part in July 5 ethnic riots.
The sources said Chinese authorities have detained 31 Uyghurs since Sept. 15 in the southern cities of Shenzhen and Guangzhou and in the central city of Kunming, either for trying to flee the country or for allegedly aiding others in fleeing China.
A Chinese court sentenced three Uyghurs to death Friday for their alleged involvement during the rioting, bringing the number of death sentences in connection with the incident to 17.
New York-based Human Rights Watch said it has documented the disappearances of 43 men and boys in the Xinjiang region, but that the actual number of disappearances is likely far higher.
Police have meanwhile detained more than 700 people in connection with the unrest, according to earlier state news reports.
Uyghurs, a distinct and mostly Muslim ethnic group, have long complained of religious, political, and cultural oppression by Chinese authorities, and tensions have simmered in the Xinjiang region for years.
Original reporting by Chea Sotheacheat, Vuthy Huot and Chung Ravuth for RFA’s Khmer service. Khmer service director: Sos Kem. Translated by Sos Kem. Additional reporting by RFA's Uyghur service. Uyghur service director: Dolkun Kamberi. Written for the Web in English by Joshua Lipes. Edited by Sarah Jackson-Han.
Mississauga youth host families in transition

Mississauga youth host families in transition
Friday, 04 December 2009
Written by Natasha Milavec, Youth Speak News,
Views : 23
Alimu and Aliya Abulimiti, a Uyghur couple currently residing in the transitional housing program at Sojourn House, pose during the performance of their wedding dance, which is a part of Uyghur culture. (Photo by Natashya Caleon)
MISSISSAUGA, Ont. - When asked about the conflicts she faced in her home country of Nigeria, J.P., who did not wish to disclose her full name, was shaken up in discussing an unjust past she has worked hard to put behind her. Hers is a story of courage and determination shared by 135 refugees who attended the seventh annual Family Faith Night dinner and talent show at St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School Nov. 26.
J.P. came to Canada in 2001, a process that was far from easy. Along with her two sons, Kenny, seven, and Alex, 12, J.P. found support and comfort in Sojourn House, a “short-term shelter for refugees who have no option to stay somewhere decent, and a transitional house that provides a longer-time stay for refugees who have experienced trauma,” said Everton Gordon, the shelter manager.
J.P. is very grateful for the shelter.
“I feel safe,” she said. “They helped me a lot. I am so happy there. I have two boys; they are happy in Sojourn House.”
Nashwa Tawfiq, a Sojourn House staff member, said there are “a whole wide variety of people at Sojourn House who come for a wide range of reasons; political, religious, domestic violence or sexual orientation,” to name a few. “Everybody is grateful and appreciative of the time, effort, and generosity that go into planning this event and putting it together,” Tawfiq said. “It is a good way to celebrate the season and has become a tradition.”
The talent show included a blend of student and guest performances. A crowd favourite was Alimu and Aliya Abulimiti, a Uyghur couple who performed their wedding dance and a cultural belly dance. The couple is from an area in East Turkestan, but are currently residents of the transitional housing program at Sojourn House.
After the show, a dinner of chicken, rice, vegetables and salad was served, prepared by the school’s hospitality class and teacher Michael Begin.
Student volunteers at the event are members of the chaplaincy team at St. Marcellinus and were seated among the refugees, listening to their stories. Grade 10 student Huda Hajjaj, who moved recently from Kuwait but is originally from Palestine, said she volunteered to “get to know people from different places.” Monika Sidhu, also a Grade 10 student, volunteered at the event in order to “help out your community,” she said.
S.C., who also does not wish to disclose his full name, sat beside Hajjaj and shared his story. He has been in Canada for one-and- a-half years and left Pakistan because of “religious problems,” he said. His journey to Canada was difficult. “Adjustment is hard,” said S.C., who misses Pakistan.
“The night gives refugees a glimpse of beautiful people and Christ-like love in their lives that they have not experienced in a long time. Catholic schools can teach the Gospel in their classrooms but events like these show how the Gospel should be taught, by action,” said Shane Byrne, chaplain at St. Marcellinus.
Family Faith Night was an immersion of people once separated by borders, geographical, political and spiritual. The Christ-like love shared between guests and students was a testament to family and faith.
(Milavec, 16, is a Grade 11 student at Father John Redmond Catholic Secondary School.)
Tories declare diplomatic victory despite China's rebuke
Tories declare diplomatic victory despite China's rebuke
Government says tourism deal will pave the way for a big increase in Chinese visitors to Canada. Though Harper didn't garner a major breakthrough, his visit raises hope that the relationship can be mended
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Campbell Clark
Ottawa — From Friday's Globe and Mail
Published on Thursday, Dec. 03, 2009 9:31PM EST
Last updated on Friday, Dec. 04, 2009 8:31AM EST
The federal Tories insisted Thursday that Prime Minister Stephen Harper scored a diplomatic victory in his first visit to China, despite an embarrassing exchange in which China's Premier rebuked him for neglecting relations between the two countries.
Mr. Harper walked away from the meeting with several small agreements and one sought-after prize: Canada's long-standing request to be granted approved destination status, a designation that will pave the way for a projected 50-per-cent increase in Chinese tourism here by 2015. But before China granted this status, its Premier, Wen Jiabao, admonished Mr. Harper for taking so long to visit, noting that a Canadian leader hadn't made a trip to China in five years.
“Five years is too long a time for China-Canada relations and that's why there are comments in the media that your visit is one that should have taken place earlier,” Mr. Wen said.
In Mr. Harper's first few years in power, the Chinese were annoyed by his complaints about the secret trial of Uyghur-Canadian dissident Huseyin Celil; his assertion that he would not sell out human rights to the “almighty dollar”; and especially the reception of the Dalai Lama.
Diplomats in the Foreign Affairs Department who pushed for a friendlier tone were mistrusted, but Mr. Harper also faced internal pressure to make a visit from former trade minister David Emerson, former public works and trade minister Michael Fortier, and his former top civil servant, clerk of the Privy Council Kevin Lynch.
“I've been pushing for it endlessly and with great frustration, but now it's there,” Mr. Emerson said Thursday. “He has been afforded the opportunity to start to engage, and I think a symbolic and substantive signal is that we're getting approved destination status. I think that's a huge signal that the relationship is going to be re-energized.”
Over the past year, Mr. Harper has dramatically changed approach: He avoided criticism of China, his Foreign Minister said Beijing had progressed on human rights, and a long list of ministers visited to thaw ties.
Listen to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's statement
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The approved destination status allows Canada to market tourism in China, and for Canadian tour operators to do business there, opening the door for the projected increase in Chinese tourism here. It is not the billion-dollar deals the Chinese have signed with other leaders, but still resolves what Gordon Houlden, director of the University of Alberta's China Institute, said was a persistently knotty problem when he served as a diplomat in Beijing from 2001 to 2004.
Mr. Martin's Liberal government struck an agreement in principle to get the status, but didn't complete the details before losing power.
“I think Canada is the last nation in the whole globe to get this. There's no other country left,” remarked Tommy Yuan, president of the Canada-Asia Business Network.
While opposition politicians contended that the awkward rebuke to Mr. Harper showed that relations remain frosty because of him, Conservatives dismissed the public friction as meaningless when weighed against the tourism agreement.
“The reality is that our government has managed to achieve what previous Liberal governments couldn't and I don't know how many visits there were between prime ministers Chrétien and Martin,” said Conservative Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.
John Ibbitson on the Chinese Premier's rebukeThe Globe's Ottawa Bureau Chief on the public scolding of Canada's Prime Minister
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Veteran China watchers, however, landed somewhere in the middle. They said Mr. Harper has not made a massive breakthrough, but also played down fears that the Sino-Canadian relationship is irreparably damaged.
The net message, said Peter Harder, president of the Canada China Business Council and former deputy minister of foreign affairs, is straightforward: “You have to work at this relationship.”
In Vancouver, political commentator Gabriel Yiu pointed out that there is a contingent of Canada's Chinese-language media on the trip, and said the Chinese rebuke to Mr. Harper is unlikely to hurt the Conservatives' effort to make electoral inroads into the traditionally Liberal Chinese-Canadian community.
“Every day, he's getting two to three pages of coverage in those papers. Yes, there might be a slight negative impact [from Mr. Wen's criticism], but compared to the big wave of coverage in the Chinese-language media, I think the spin will be praise for this historic trip.”
With reports from Jane Taber in Ottawa and Rod Mickleburgh in Vancouver
Government says tourism deal will pave the way for a big increase in Chinese visitors to Canada. Though Harper didn't garner a major breakthrough, his visit raises hope that the relationship can be mended
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Campbell Clark
Ottawa — From Friday's Globe and Mail
Published on Thursday, Dec. 03, 2009 9:31PM EST
Last updated on Friday, Dec. 04, 2009 8:31AM EST
The federal Tories insisted Thursday that Prime Minister Stephen Harper scored a diplomatic victory in his first visit to China, despite an embarrassing exchange in which China's Premier rebuked him for neglecting relations between the two countries.
Mr. Harper walked away from the meeting with several small agreements and one sought-after prize: Canada's long-standing request to be granted approved destination status, a designation that will pave the way for a projected 50-per-cent increase in Chinese tourism here by 2015. But before China granted this status, its Premier, Wen Jiabao, admonished Mr. Harper for taking so long to visit, noting that a Canadian leader hadn't made a trip to China in five years.
“Five years is too long a time for China-Canada relations and that's why there are comments in the media that your visit is one that should have taken place earlier,” Mr. Wen said.
In Mr. Harper's first few years in power, the Chinese were annoyed by his complaints about the secret trial of Uyghur-Canadian dissident Huseyin Celil; his assertion that he would not sell out human rights to the “almighty dollar”; and especially the reception of the Dalai Lama.
Diplomats in the Foreign Affairs Department who pushed for a friendlier tone were mistrusted, but Mr. Harper also faced internal pressure to make a visit from former trade minister David Emerson, former public works and trade minister Michael Fortier, and his former top civil servant, clerk of the Privy Council Kevin Lynch.
“I've been pushing for it endlessly and with great frustration, but now it's there,” Mr. Emerson said Thursday. “He has been afforded the opportunity to start to engage, and I think a symbolic and substantive signal is that we're getting approved destination status. I think that's a huge signal that the relationship is going to be re-energized.”
Over the past year, Mr. Harper has dramatically changed approach: He avoided criticism of China, his Foreign Minister said Beijing had progressed on human rights, and a long list of ministers visited to thaw ties.
Listen to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's statement
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The approved destination status allows Canada to market tourism in China, and for Canadian tour operators to do business there, opening the door for the projected increase in Chinese tourism here. It is not the billion-dollar deals the Chinese have signed with other leaders, but still resolves what Gordon Houlden, director of the University of Alberta's China Institute, said was a persistently knotty problem when he served as a diplomat in Beijing from 2001 to 2004.
Mr. Martin's Liberal government struck an agreement in principle to get the status, but didn't complete the details before losing power.
“I think Canada is the last nation in the whole globe to get this. There's no other country left,” remarked Tommy Yuan, president of the Canada-Asia Business Network.
While opposition politicians contended that the awkward rebuke to Mr. Harper showed that relations remain frosty because of him, Conservatives dismissed the public friction as meaningless when weighed against the tourism agreement.
“The reality is that our government has managed to achieve what previous Liberal governments couldn't and I don't know how many visits there were between prime ministers Chrétien and Martin,” said Conservative Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.
John Ibbitson on the Chinese Premier's rebukeThe Globe's Ottawa Bureau Chief on the public scolding of Canada's Prime Minister
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Veteran China watchers, however, landed somewhere in the middle. They said Mr. Harper has not made a massive breakthrough, but also played down fears that the Sino-Canadian relationship is irreparably damaged.
The net message, said Peter Harder, president of the Canada China Business Council and former deputy minister of foreign affairs, is straightforward: “You have to work at this relationship.”
In Vancouver, political commentator Gabriel Yiu pointed out that there is a contingent of Canada's Chinese-language media on the trip, and said the Chinese rebuke to Mr. Harper is unlikely to hurt the Conservatives' effort to make electoral inroads into the traditionally Liberal Chinese-Canadian community.
“Every day, he's getting two to three pages of coverage in those papers. Yes, there might be a slight negative impact [from Mr. Wen's criticism], but compared to the big wave of coverage in the Chinese-language media, I think the spin will be praise for this historic trip.”
With reports from Jane Taber in Ottawa and Rod Mickleburgh in Vancouver
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